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Our Dietitians provide expert nutritional advice for people of all ages and conditions to help achieve their health and wellbeing goals. They guide how to appropriately manage diets and nutrition for people who may be affected by health conditions such as diabetes, overweight and obesity, cancer, heart disease, renal disease, gastro-intestinal diseases, and food allergies. They also complete detailed assessments, produce meal plans that address the patients' specific dietary needs and feeding challenges, and provide periodic reviews. A dietitian can help people maintain their health and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases.

There are a wide range of triggers that may lead to a person benefiting from the support of a Dietitian. Some typical reasons why someone might be referred, or might independently choose, to see a Dietitian include:

  • A newly diagnosed chronic disease

  • Signs that a chronic illness is not being managed such as increased Hba1c levels

  • Significant weight change

  • Recent poor food intake, poor appetite, or difficulty preparing or eating food

  • Changes in medication

  • Periodic reviews of medical nutrition therapy

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